What is Discipleship?
Disciple: a follower of Jesus, who lives and loves like Him, and helps others to the same.
Discipleship: the process of learning how to live and love like Jesus.
Disciple-Making: helping other people also learn to live and love like Jesus, by entering into intentional relationships with them.
Discipleship: the process of learning how to live and love like Jesus.
Disciple-Making: helping other people also learn to live and love like Jesus, by entering into intentional relationships with them.
D-Groups are a small group of people walking in community together while we center our lives on Jesus and let His Word transform us.
The following resources are available to help you as a disciple-maker walk with your Discipleship Group (D-Group) as each of you becomes more like Christ and then launches out to teach others how to make disciples. Followers of Jesus are disciples, and disciples are disciple-makers.
Hear Pastor’s Sam heart for discipleship.
D-group Basics

- WHO: Group of three to six people from your circle of influence
- WHEN: Weekly for at least 66 days*
- WHERE: Anywhere! (home, church building, restaurant, etc.)
- Read & Pray Daily (Bible reading plan)
- Gather Weekly (90-minutes)
- Mission Monthly (lead & serve)
- Launch Annually (66+ days for multiplication)
- HOW: Look Back/Look Up/Look Forward + S.O.S. Method (See Below)
The S.O.S. Method
Bible Reading
Say | Obey | Share
In your daily reading plan, pick out a specific verse, or a point in the passage that the Spirit caused to stand out to you, write the verse in your own words, and then walk through the following questions…
SAY | God, what are you saying to me?
Mediate over God's Word and the verse you wrote out? What is God saying?
OBEY | How do you want me to obey?
Looking at the verse, what is God calling you to do? Develop a specific action step to take.
SHARE | Who do you want me to share this with?
Who can you share the verse with and the action step God showed you? Usually this is in your circle of influence. Make sure you follow through with this step.

S.O.S EXAMPLE: Luke 6:9-10
“And Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it?” And after looking around at them all he said to him, ”Stretch out your hand.” And he did so, and his hand was restored.”
“And Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it?” And after looking around at them all he said to him, ”Stretch out your hand.” And he did so, and his hand was restored.”
- SAY – Don’t overcomplicate the love and acts of Jesus in and through your life. If the opportunity is there to show love, then do it! You don’t have to wait for the most opportune time, nor worry about it. Simply love Jesus and be obedient to who and what he has called you to.
- OBEY – Reach out to my next-door neighbor and invite their family over for dinner.
- SHARE – with my wife and neighbor.

- Start with your “oikos” or circle of influence. See who the Holy Spirit leads you to and pray over the names. Make the ask, explain the commitment to the group & vision for multiplication and get started!
- Set a day, time and place and stick to it. Be committed but not overly rigid. Be creative and be you…Enjoy the adventure!
- In your first meeting, consider an optional group covenant laying out expectations and commitments. Spend time getting to know each other and sharing testimonies. Teach the S.O.S. method and cast vision to replicate.
- Groups should be designed to reproduce, so we recommend they last around a year. After that they then each person forms a new group.
Look Back / Look Up / Look Forward
D-Group Format
During your weekly time together in your D-Group, you can divide up your time with the structure below. We recommend do each section for one third of your time. Adapt this for your group.
Share what has happened since you last met
- Spend time in Prayer together
- Check-in with each other: How are you doing? (Share blessings, celebrations, struggles & confession)
- What happened last week when you obeyed (From your S.O.S.)?
Spend time looking at the Word of God
- Read that days Scripture reading together and discuss, “What is God saying to you/me/us?”
- This is the "S" from the S.O.S. method.
Share Your next steps
- How can I/we Obey? Share with the group.
- Who can I/we share this with? Share this with the group.
- Pray together to close out your time.
- D-Group Basics
- Sharing the Gospel – 3 Circles Method (video)
- What Now? (When someone says yes to the Gospel!)
- How to Pray
- How to Study Your Bible